About CBD Genuine

Our goal at CBD Genuine is to inform you, the customer, of all the numerous benefits CBD can offer you. CBD is not addictive in any way, there is no need to feel worried in that respect.

Our business is family owned and we are committed to working with our customers and giving them the best service and advice possible. Having been in the business of CBD for 2 years now, and also being a consumer for 10 years, we can assure you we will be here for you every step of the way. The co-owner of CBD Genuine has epilepsy and was taking strong medications for the past 20 years to control his seizures, the effect of these prescriptions on his brain were very harmful since they affected his brain activity. He has finally been able to come off all of the prescription medications and is now taking only CBD oil. He feels better and happier than he has in years and his energy has finally come back. The CBD oil has been a huge life changing product for him. This was the main reason of starting our company. We will gladly chat with you and answer any questions you may have. Our objective is to let everyone benefit of all the advantages and different uses of CBD.

CBD GENUINE - All Natural Healing

The oils we offer are grown and cultivated without pesticides on organic soil and of certified organic hemp. The type of hemp used by our farmers in a truly natural method only yields the highest concentration of CBD (cannabidiol). It is grown in the Netherlands, Europe’s greatest producer of CBD and other cannabidiol products. The plants used are of the best quality.


Our oils have been certified by a third party laboratory. People nowadays are trying to stay away from poisonous medications that are harmful to their body and brain and are focusing more than ever on natural medicine, emerging from the earth organically, not made in a laboratory from who knows what ingredients. With CBD, we know exactly what we are consuming.


Our promise to you is that we will always be alert to new products, finding out by any means possible what is best for each individual customer. We always do our best to help each individual customer with any of their needs.


Our CBD Genuine products of cannabinoids and terpenes from hemp plants are safe and of superior quality bottle after bottle.


You will be happy with our natural products. You want a natural CBD and that is what we offer. It is difficult to distinguish the genuine from the phony and we keep our natural product as sterile and genuine as we can. We guarantee our product and their description on the label. Get well naturally with CBD Genuine!!!